Sleeping Less Than 6 Hours Increases Processed Food Consumption

Recent research has shown a correlation between a lack of sleep with increased consumption of sugary, caffeinated beverages (1). In the study, they analyzed data from 18,799 adults who self reported sleep duration’s and completed two 24 hour dietary recalls. Out of the 18,799 adults, 13% slept five hours or less. The group of people who slept five hours or less had a 21% increased in sugary caffeinated beverages. I believe a lack of sleep rewires our brain and makes us crave processed foods. But does research support this theory?

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Frozen Veggies Are Better For You Than Fresh

I have broccoli in the freezer and fresh broccoli in my refrigerator as I am writing this. Unfortunately, the broccoli in the fridge has been sitting there for two days already. I am notorious for leaving veggies in my fridge. So I wanted to figure out if there was any nutritional advantage to fresh versus frozen. After all, frozen is cheaper and doesn't go bad.

It sounds like a win-win to me, but is frozen as healthy as fresh?

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3 Reasons To Take Magnesium

Although diet and nutrition are a very popular topic of discussion, one often overlooked aspect of the conversation is micronutrient deficiency. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that can only be obtained through food or supplements. They are essential for the normal growth and development of living organisms. A deficiency in these nutrients can have profound detrimental effects, including fatigue, anxiety, and poor sleep. Sadly, these deficiencies are relatively common, especially as it pertains to magnesium.

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