Improve Your Mental Health & Productivity

Journaling has become an integral part of my daily routine. Before I began this practice, I found it difficult to prioritize my needs for the day. My emotions would often dictate my actions and I would feel as if I were being pulled in multiple directions. I was quick to give in to cravings and equally quick to allow excuses to get in the way of my productivity.

Sound familiar?

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28 Years Old: 10 Life Lessons

Over the years, I have come to realize the importance of principles. As humans, we struggle to do the right thing when the wrong choice is the easier thing to do. We have all been in situations where we know what to do, but we do a more satisfying thing. You aren't weak-minded; you are just human.

The key to overcoming this human fallacy is to have external rules or principles to hold you accountable. When I was 24 years old, I wrote down ten lessons that I learned over my lifetime. I repeated the process last year while traveling to Nice from Paris. It was a five-hour train ride, and I needed something to do to pass the time. The rolling green hills provided the perfect scenery to reflect on life. By the end of the trip, I had updated my ten life lessons.

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10 Day Headspace Challenge

Meditation dates back to the first century and has been practiced for thousands and thousands of years. It has been shown to improve stress, anxiety, depression, and quality of life (1). A common misconception about meditation is the absence of thoughts. The goal is not to stop thinking; if you did, you would be dead.

The purpose of meditation is to strengthen the ability to focus on one thing and not let thoughts intervene. Our thoughts are not facts; they are just ideas that pop into the mind. They may persuade us to do certain things, but they don't control us. To become aware of this process, you must train the mind to become less reactive. One of the best ways to do this is by sitting and paying attention to the breath.

“The mindfulness meditation exercises focus on paying attention to bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts while embracing a non-judgemental, accepting attitude towards whatever arises until it passes away(2).”

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Train Against Gravity

My whole life I have struggled to fit in. Insecurities, childhood trauma, and the urge to be someone else plagued me. I would be lying if I said these fears are gone. But I am learning how to overcome them through stoic philosophy and training. And that is why I created Train Against Gravity. The goal is to teach you these principles through movement, meditation, and journaling.

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Meditation Strengthens The Brain

The mind and body are quite similar. When you stop training a muscle it becomes weaker. And since the brain is a muscle, it requires training to keep in shape. Now, I am not just talking about physical exercise, we must include some type of mental exercise too. After all, if you don’t use it, you will lose it.

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